Ace@work childcare creatively made use of the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) theme this year, “Our family, Our community” together with their upcycling efforts. There are different artworks across different ages.
Family college
For N1, they partnered up with the ArtScience museum on delivering the upcycled art pieces where they will provide guidance and recommendation. Together with their parents, they captured special moments with their family and brought the completed art pieces to class where they would create a college based on upcycled materials.

Images of Children with their Family College
Playground tree of life
For Play Group, Ace@work has creatively used brown paper and cardboard to form the structure of the tree. They also created hand paintings for each child with their family photo to build a “Tree of life”.

Image of the Handprints that form up the Tree of Life
The Kid’s Favourite Places
For N2, they were tasked to creatively use art pieces that were reusable to come up with an art that represents their favourite community place. Some materials used were cotton wool, string, button and aluminium foil. Below are some of the creative ideas that the children have done.

Images of children's artworks of iconic and community places in Singapore
Children find it interesting and fun to do these art pieces, and this will encourage them into turning upcycling into a habit. In fact, there were positive signs where children would enlighten each other not to waste precious materials if another one does.

Images of Children Wearing Handcrafted Costumes
“Someone’s trash is someone’s treasure.”, the children understand this saying through the upcycling activities that they had gone through and would eventually grow up to save the environment, conserve the depleting, and help make the earth a better place for all of us to live in.