During the Singapore Repertory Theatre's Permission to Play 2023 Conference, Our founder and CEO of Preschool Market, Su fen had the opportunity to share her thoughts on how technology, specifically robotic tech toys and artificial intelligence is essential to early childhood education.
Su fen shared on how technology tools and Artificial Intelligence can inspire, engage and teach the young ones.They can be powerful tools that not only spark imagination and curiosity but also allow children to develop computational and logical thinking skills. Su Fen also shared that in her roles of being a parent, teacher and researcher, it has allowed her to see firsthand the beneficial and positive impacts that these innovations can have on our children.
Su fen then went on to share real life case studies on how Artificial Intelligence and technology toys are being implemented and utilized in the early childhood classroom She believes it holds the potential of revolutionizing education by tailoring to the needs of an individual and adjusting to the unique learning preferences of each child so that every child can get the chance to excel.
Su fen foresees a future where children are not just consumers of technology but creators with a curious mind that drives them to explore, experiment and push boundaries to create and change the world. She then went on to encourage the conference participants on learning and engaging with more AI and technology tools in the classroom to be able to benefit their young learners and prepare them for the future.