Cooperative, diligent and hardy, ants have many virtues to recommend. Dress your child as an ant for one day and teach him/her about the importance of working as a team and family.
Skill Level: Advanced Suitable For: 5 - 6 years old Estimated Time: > 30 mins Environment: Indoors

Black T-Shirt
Black Socks
Clear Tape
Bubble Wrap
Coloured Tape
Safety Pins
Step 1:
Roll the bubble wrap into a cylinder and insert it into a sock. Repeat with the other sock.

Step 2:
Fold in the excess flaps of cloth on the socks and secure them with clear tape to create the ant’s legs. Attach the legs onto the sides of the t-shirt with safety pins.

Step 3:
Cut 2 pieces of string and thread them through the socks.

Step 4:
Split one end of 2 straws. Attach the two split ends of the straw onto a headband to create the antennae. Secure them with black tape.

Step 5:
Decorate the headband with black and red tape. Bend the top end of the straws to create the elbowed antennae ants have.

Step 6:
You now have an ant suit!

Step 7:
Let your child put on the ant suit and tie the threads to his wrist so that the artificial legs move with his arms.
