On 5 September, AECES and Preschool Market organised a Teacher’s Day celebration for its members and other early childhood educators. Activities galore filled the afternoon event held at Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Kindergarten, but the most memorable was the launch of the project, A Garden For Every Preschool, which saw all participants potting their own plants to bring home.

Various other nature-inspired activities were also explored. Participants engaged in unstructured play through working with loose parts and cloud dough (check out this link for the recipe). They were also given opportunities to express their creativity by designing their own recycled pots and using recycled materials to make windmills.

One highlight of the celebration was when Teacher Michelle took out the photo frame she brought and got everyone hyped up about taking the perfect shot. Indeed, the teachers could instantly print out their photos and even vied for prizes in a Facebook contest.

As the afternoon came to a close, everyone agreed that it had been an enjoyable and meaningful way to celebrate the good work the teachers have done.

As Mrs Lily Foo of Queenstown Lutheran Church Kindergarten put it, the preschool is like a garden and the children, the seeds planted. Teachers are gardeners nurturing the seeds and watching them grow strong and bear fruit.
