Infocomm Media development Authority (IMDA), together with The Science Centre, Kids Stop launched the Playmaker Studio @Kids Stop on 26 January. The aim of the studio is to bring access to tech-enabled toys to the general public. Science Centre has been a forerunner in promoting creativity and nurturing the next generation of scientists and engineers through hands-on exploration and tinkering. As Mr Leong Keng Thai, IMDA’s Dy Chief Executive shared, the Playmaker programme “aims to foster creativity, encourage problem solving and build creative confidence among children” and develop social and communication skills while playing in the studio and also learning about core knowledge and skills like numeracy, literacy, collaboration, logical thinking and sequencing.

Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West District, Parliamentary Secretary of MOE, was very excited about the launch of the studio
as she saw that it provided a conducive environment where children are free to “imagine, experience, discover and dream”. A space where children could be “active thinkers, do-res and creators” and not just “passive consumers of information”.
On the day of the launch, about 20 pre-schoolers got a foretaste of the activities in the studio. All activities in the studio are facilitated and they are available at fixed timings. There are 2 main types of activities – Playing and Making
For Playing, there is the KiBo and BeeBot, 2 robots which are easily programmable by the children
For Making, children can create their own electronic prototypes using Little Bits or Circuit Stickers.

Children can also try out tinkering activities such as making a scribble bot and spin art. Indeed, children see that no 2 artwork come out similar.

As Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng, Chief Executive, Science Centre Singapore mentioned, the launch of PlayMaker Studio is one significant step in making resources for making and tinkering accessible to those who might not have the opportunity to do so.
For more information, please go the Kids Stop website Parent and children can enjoy a creative and fulfilling afternoon. Schools are also welcome to book a session or two at the Playmaker Studio.
