Let children find out how to identify and name their body parts.
Skill Level: Easy
Suitable For: 4 - 5 years old
Estimated Time: 15 - 30 mins
Environment: Indoors
Coloured pens
Step 1:
Parents should find a picture of a boy or a girl. The picture should show the boy or girl from head to toe. Show your child the picture and ask him/her to name the parts of the body as you point to them (Eg: arms, feet, ears, etc.).
Step 2:
Next, let your child look at himself or herself in a full length mirror and point to the parts of his/her body.
Step 3:
Afterwards, provide crayons and paper for your child to draw himself or herself. Have your child point to the parts of the body on his or her drawing while you label the body parts.