What’s a good dessert to cool ourselves on this sunny island? Ice Popsicles of course! Create your very own ice popsicles in the theme of Singapore's National flag.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Suitable For: 4 - 5 years old
Estimated Time: < 15 mins
Environment: Indoors

Ice popsicle mould
Bowl of juice
Bowl of fruits
Bowl of plain yogurt
Step 1:
Smash the fruits in the bowl using a fork.

Step 2:
Put the mashed fruits, yogurt, and some juice in the ice popsicle mould. Allow your child to decide the order of ingredients he/she prefers to put in the mould. Encourage patterning (i.e. yogurt – fruit – yogurt – juice).

Step 3:
You may now place your filled-mould into the freezer. Allow it to harden for a few hours and you can enjoy your ice popsicle!
