It has been a month since the launch of Special Treats 2019! With the support of ECDA (Early Childhood Development Agency) and AECES (Association for Early Childhood Educators (Singapore), we have put together an exclusive Special Treats package for all Early Childhood Educators across the 2000 preschools in Singapore. Special Treats campaign is an initiative to thank our dear teachers who have worked tirelessly all year-round. We hoped all preschool educators have received their Special Treats package, and are using the Special Treats app well. If you have yet to download the Special Treats, download now at https://app.specialtreats.sg or search Special Treats on your app store. There is a variety of treats waiting for you to indulge in. Many of the treats extend beyond September. Do continue to use those treats! :)
In addition, your feedback for this project is highly appreciated and will help us understand and curate more exciting and relevant treats for you in the future. Help us complete the survey here: https://forms.gle/46ZRCfwAoowVo9Sb9
Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our returning and new partners who have wholeheartedly supported us in this year's campaign!
